James BeschAge: 20 years1883–1903
- Name
- James Besch
Birth | 1883 24 27 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Katherine Reichart 1890 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a brother | Carl Besch 1892 (Age 9 years) |
Birth of a sibling | Aquila Besch 1896 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | George Haas 1896 (Age 13 years) |
Death | 1903 (Age 20 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
James Besch Birth: 1859 Death: 1946 |
mother |
Katherine Haas Birth: 1856 48 42 Death: 1933 |
younger sibling |
Aquila Besch Birth: 1896 37 40 Death: 1988 |
sister | |
younger brother |
Carl Besch Birth: 1892 33 36 Death: 1977 |
-8 years himself |
James Besch Birth: 1883 24 27 Death: 1903 |
brother |