Andrew CookAge: 25 years1886–1911
- Name
- Andrew Cook
Birth | 1886 49 39 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Katherine Reichart 1890 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a sister | Loretta Cook 1894 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | George Haas 1896 (Age 10 years) |
Death of a sister | Susan Cook 1903 (Age 17 years) |
Death | 1911 (Age 25 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Andrew Cook Birth: 1837 Death: 1914 |
mother |
Margaret Haas Birth: 1847 39 33 Death: 1928 |
himself |
Andrew Cook Birth: 1886 49 39 Death: 1911 |
sister | |
elder sister |
Giorgiana Cook Birth: 1874 37 27 Death: 1966 |
-8 years elder sister |
Loretta Cook Birth: 1865 28 18 Death: 1894 |
3 years elder sister |
Susan Cook Birth: 1867 30 20 Death: 1903 |