Bernard Raymond McCafferyAge: 88 years1844–1932
- Name
- Bernard Raymond McCaffery
- Name
- Barney
- Type
- also known as
Birth | May 1, 1844 Address: "Directory of Noted Places in Ireland"
2nd Edition by Ambrose Leet 1814
Page 203
Town-Land Gortacurk in County Fermanagh
With Postal Service from Ballyconnel Shared note: Address: Gortacurk
Immigration | April 14, 1868 (Age 23 years) |
Marriage | Mary Elizabeth Kane — View this family June 15, 1873 (Age 29 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | John McCaffery November 4, 1873 (Age 29 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Margaret McCaffery January 4, 1876 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Felix McCaffery September 15, 1878 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | James McCaffery July 23, 1881 (Age 37 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | Hugh McCaffery March 28, 1883 (Age 38 years) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Mary McCaffery July 7, 1885 (Age 41 years) |
Birth of a son #7 | Thomas McCaffery December 25, 1887 (Age 43 years) |
Birth of a daughter #8 | Catherine McCaffery May 10, 1890 (Age 46 years) |
Birth of a daughter #9 | Julia Frances McCaffery April 24, 1892 (Age 47 years) |
Death of a wife | Mary Elizabeth Kane June 13, 1892 (Age 48 years) |
Death of a son | James McCaffery 1910 (Age 65 years) |
Marriage status | Mary Elizabeth Kane — View this family MARRIED |
Death | November 30, 1932 (Age 88 years) |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
himself |
Bernard Raymond McCaffery Birth: May 1, 1844 — Gortacurk, Fermanagh, , Ireland Death: November 30, 1932 — Cutchogue, NY |
-3 years elder sibling |
-2 years elder brother |
Family with Mary Elizabeth Kane |
himself |
Bernard Raymond McCaffery Birth: May 1, 1844 — Gortacurk, Fermanagh, , Ireland Death: November 30, 1932 — Cutchogue, NY |
wife |
Marriage: June 15, 1873 — St. Patrick's Church Southold, NY |
15 years son |
Thomas McCaffery Birth: December 25, 1887 43 33 — Cutchogue, NY Death: May 1972 |
-3 years daughter |
Mary McCaffery Birth: July 7, 1885 41 30 — Cutchogue, NY Death: 1945 |
7 years daughter |
Julia Frances McCaffery Birth: April 24, 1892 47 37 — Cutchogue, NY Death: November 4, 1980 — ELIH Greenport, NY |
-23 months daughter |
Catherine McCaffery Birth: May 10, 1890 46 35 — Cutchogue, NY Death: November 1963 |
-7 years son |
Hugh McCaffery Birth: March 28, 1883 38 28 — Cutchogue, NY Death: 1937 |
-7 years daughter |
Margaret McCaffery Birth: January 4, 1876 31 21 — Cutchogue, NY |
-2 years son |
John McCaffery Birth: November 4, 1873 29 19 — Cutchogue, NY |
8 years son |
James McCaffery Birth: July 23, 1881 37 26 Death: 1910 |
-3 years son |
Birth | Address: Gortacurk |
Shared note | From Jim Heaney's family history Mary Mccaffrey immigrated from county Fermangh in Ireland in 1869. He ended up in Southold as a farmhand. He met a woman named Mary Kane. Mary's last name was originally spelled CAINE. Barney didn't plan to farm for someone else: his life, solely rented a few acres near bridge lane in East Cutchogue. He'd work in his job and in the evening, he worked on his rented acres until dark. 1872 he married Mary Kane. I actually bought the farm he was renting, built a home and he and Mary settled down to raise their family. They were to eventually have nine children - five boys and four girls. All reach maturity but Jim, the third son, died at age 29 from a brain tumor. He left a widow, Nellie, and a son also named Jim. April 1892, Mary Mccaffrey gave birth to her youngest daughter Julia. Their firstborn had been john in 1874. In june, Mary was stricken with appendicitis. The doctors knew what it was but they didn't know what to do about it. There were only a few specialists in the country who had performed the operation, but none in the area. She suffered until her appendix burst. Peritonitis set in and she died from the poisoning. Her baby, Julia, was only six weeks old. Ironically, 10 years later her daughter Mary, had the same affliction but more surgeons had learned the simple operation and she was saved. Barre was fortunate that he had a lovely ambitious and responsible daughter, Maggie who was 16 years old. Besides Julia there was also Kate, and Tom so they had three little ones to worry about. But he stayed at home until she was 29 before marrying Jim Lenihan, another Irish immigrant. Julia Heaney often said that she would ask her father if she could do something, only to have him say ask Maggie. Barney was to live another 40 years, being 88 when he died. Of all his children only Julia live that long. Older all of his sons left except Hugh, who ran the farm. Hugh never married. It had married and stayed home to be a homemaker for her father and Hugh. Her husband was Tom Shalvey. |
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Media object | BarneyCafferyBaptism.png Format: image/png Image dimensions: 622 × 439 pixels File size: 55 KB Type: Photo |
Media object | BarneyMcCafferyDeathCert.png Format: image/png Image dimensions: 1,260 × 765 pixels File size: 923 KB Type: Photo |